Monday, 21 March 2016

Mothers Day

Mothers day !!! This day is indeed important to me because I was awarded the golden crown of being a mother on this very same day for the first time in my life.To be precise, My elder son Aditya, was born today.  I thank god for such a beautiful gift for he was one who got me upgraded into the next level named motherhood.

 The experiences that I had with my kids made me closer to my mother realizing and appreciating the thought process of a parent and the real intentions behind their words.
I bet every single parent would have reminded their kids at least once, the varied situations they had fought with life for them , how they struggles to make things better for their little ones, how they risked their desires to fulfill their kids dreams ..... and guess the expression on your kid's face as they hear it out ... if its a small child , he will listen to it loving the deviations of your expressions, if its a teenager, he will be like....oh no !not again ... and if its an adult, it could be  hmmm..I know that (with a deep sigh ).
Even I was never an exception. But as I got promoted as a mother from my wife's status and as years rolled by, I heard myself echoing similar narratives. It was then I realised that as I share my experiences of motherhood or the hardships that I faced for my kids, I was not trying to elevate myself in their eyes.Nor was I waiting to get rewards for those actions. I was just sharing my joys with my new friends, to let them know that those pains and strains are the reason for the smile I have now. If each one of you could recollect any incident that was a sacrifice for your loved would realize that those memories would now come to us accompanied with a smile.... the smile of confidence born out of love.
So with an acknowledgment of those million realisational moments that both my sons have given me  let me celebrate this day adorned with my love, respect and gratitude to my mother who has brought me into this fabulous world. It goes beyond words as I write this  , that whatever the situation is , whatever I may be or whatever might happen .... I would proudly declare that MY MOTHER IS THE BEST....and even if I had tried really hard, I would still never had been 1/100th of a good mother as she was to me.  LOVE YOU AMMA...

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Don't let yourself be killed by your silence!!!

Social networking sites have become a vital part of our life . Many of us stand for or against it. Just like the advent of technology, media or anything that is being introduced into our life, we debate , discuss and detail the pros and cons of it trying to figure out what it really means to us .
I am not here to start off another lecture on this . But I would like to put in my view to a strange but real phase of our reaction to such situations.
We all know that people using social networking sites specially Facebook do start off their day by browsing through their page. ...or log in and out at least once in 48 hours to check whats happening in our dear one's lives.
Facebook is like a sort of newspaper where the news about people close to us are being updated and circulated. As I say this, I don't want you to think that I am against it . I take this viewing as a routine yet generic gesture. 
Most of the time though we might not read fully a share, we will still flip through the posts randomly. But how often do we spend a moment to show our presence with a like or a comment?
 We are too conscious of our social image than the relation we have with that person. Or is it our self portrayed complex that pulls us inwards from doing so?

Forget the likes and the comments.. but many at times , I have come across statements from my friends or close ones stating  "I know you are free these days , because I see you wasting too much of your time in FB or groups in whatsapp posting comments or sharing photos"
I really pity those who have said this or are thinking so  BECAUSE you wouldn't have come across my post , shares or comments if you were really busy working or been somewhere else....!!! The only difference between me and you is that I am bold enough to show my presence, make people know that my time is valuable, yet I do spend it on their post by reading and commenting because I feel they are much more important than my false ego or  so called framed up busy schedule.....
So please... next time you think of telling me or someone this statement , think twice . I know many people who read this post will surely agree with me . If you are one among them .. share this in your timeline  and if you belong to those silent complex peepers and still be silent  ... dont even dare to like or comment ...
Whatever you are , Be bold enough to be yourself.... Dont let yourself be killed by your silence!!!!!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


We did have lots and lots of teachers all throughout our lives. Some were our classroom teachers while others were our non-classroom teachers who taught us greater lessons through their actions, words and experiences. 

The non-classroom teachers that I mentioned could be our parents, friends, relatives, colleagues or even strangers who initiated some new thought in us. Some of them were passive, while some very active. Some were informative while some boring. Some taught us through tears while some taught us through smiles.

I am sure you thoughts would be presently racing through the many teachers of your life. Remembering all those who have taught us the varied lessons of life, and if someone asked you who your best teacher was, what would you reply? 

Well! I would gladly say my best teacher was my last mistake
Sounds weird .Isn’t it? But isn’t it the truth? 

We all learn from our mistakes. We might or mightn’t forget the lessons that others had taught us. But will we ever forget what our own mistakes had taught us? No. The bigger our mistake, the bigger its impact will be. And the bigger its impact, the better and longer we remember that .And that’s exactly the reason why I said my best teacher was my last mistake. 

If our mistakes are our teachers, then why fear them? Don’t let the fear of committing mistakes pull you down from doing something you dream. We might make mistakes when we take a new step. But we will learn from it and keep going till we succeed. So accept mistakes as a part of your life. Acknowledge mistakes as a teacher who helps you improve. Remember them, learn from them, but never be afraid of them, for without mistakes no one has ever succeeded in life.

                                                                                                                                          Sindhu Nandakumar 
Creative writer & Executive Life coach

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