Tuesday, 28 February 2017

A page out of my life

Feeling contented ....
            It was exactly an year ago that I noticed that not even 2% of the entire people having problems doesnt consult a psychologists or a counselor. I was pursuing my Masters in Psychology when I realised that.  Even I had gone through stress, anxiety and depression during varied facets of my life, yet I had never taken help. Those simple problems or fears that we get could have been easily eradicated with an open talk were mostly healed over time, after undergoing lot of stress and strain in the process or  some fears lay buried within us even without us knowing till the time comes when something else triggers it to surface back. Some people live with it for the rest of their life while some unable to come out of it end up in self destruction.
Even when we live in such a developed society why is this happening? There are many psychologist ,counselors, life coaches and even counselling units that are absolutely free. Still people find it difficult to approach them. Why?
I realise it is simply because of two fears, one internal and the other external . ...The primary internal fear to speak up and accept the situation they are in right now and the second the external fear of what the society or what the counselor might think of them after hearing it out.I wanted to do something about that . 
For me the study of psychology was not time pass nor out of influence, but out of my passion to understand the complexities of our thoughts. As I read through many cases where people landed in self destruction because of some small ,easy tackable problem, the urge in me to do something about this increased.
The  primary fear could only be dealt through counselling , but how can we counsel our speaker when they aren't ready to open up because of the secondary fear of getting exposed. 
It was then I thought of launching a website where people could come and talk to us any time from any part of the world. More than the convinence factor, the speciality of  the site would be the client/ speaker being able to talk to the life coaches without revealling his or her identity.
The hunt for a site name ended in svaastika, which is a sanskrit word meaning 'self initiated' . Well that sounded truely Indian and indeed apt. The logo that I designed was a mixture of the ancient Indian symbol of psychology which was later accepted worldwide(the shape of TRISHUL, the weapon of Lord Shiva) and the first letter of the name 'Svaastika'. Thus Svaastika the online counselling site came into existance.
After listening to some of the counselling sessions online, I understood that majority of the problems arose out of their lack of knowledge to deal with situations. So we started conducting talkshows and workshops to educate people about their own powers. We needed a legalised organisation to extend our activities in this realm.
It took 2 months for us to legalise Svaastika into an NGO. Thus the NGO Svaastika took birth by May 2016 to initiate the concept of well being with its headquarters in Trivandrum,kerala.
Now as we cross an year we have grown into a global organisation with chapters in India,US and Middle east with a strong board of trustees, an advisory board of eminent members consisting of Lawyers, Doctors,HODs, and more than 500 volunteers.
Within an year we have diversified our reach into other activities like campaigns, free education camps, fund raising events, animal welfare, infrastructure development, food distribution camps along with our Mind spa, our online and offline counselling wing.
We do give assistance in infrastructural development by renovating libraries, computer labs and other basic amenities for backward schools, academic and non academic supportive classes , free food for the needy, Free skill based educational programs , animal protection acts along with motivational and supportive talkshows and workshops.
We have been  successfully managing a 24/7 counselling helpline for anyone in distress through our skype id Mind.spa where anyone could consult our life coaches without revealing their identity.
As I retrace my previous year , I have to agree that it was indeed hectic trying to run ahead of time, sacrificing lazy moments,  solitude compramising my personal freedom. Yet when I read through the acheivements of our team ... I feel really blessed and contented to  have followed my heart.
At this juncture I have to confide that when I started my journey I heard more mocking voices than inspiring ones , more doubts raised than assurances and saw stumbling blocks than stepping stones. Yet my heart told me there would be a day when my deeds will be applauded because I was doing it for the good of others and now.... it's not just a day .....but many when my actions are praised. I no longer hear those mocks nor those doubts , but only looks that reflect confidence and beleif in me.
Now as  I stand strong finally proving to myself that I was right, I would like to thank the many hearts that stood with me in this journey and request you to follow the voice of your heart just as I did. If your goal is for a good reason and if it's a selfless act of  goodness, it would render you only happiness....

Sindhu Nandakumar
Founder and Executive life coach at Svaastika
 https://www.facebook.com/svaastika/  and www.svaastika.com. 

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Let's rise above GENDER

The futher I tread into life, the more I realise the glory of  inspiration. I found many inspiring women around me . Some were  professionals based on their qualifications and  some on their talents.  The word multitasking had been primarly coined to appraise a lady. Quite interesting right? Well , thats what history claims.
Even at times when she is physically challenged ,like pregnancy and also at times when she is mentally challenged like even after facing traumatic incidents like acid attack, rape or family break up, she faces the world with a smile. I respect and applaude those many who have faced  hard times and still stood irrevocable with a victorious smile on their lips .
Well....well.... Pls dont jump into conclusions thinking this is just another write up to glorify women. Its absolutely not one of that .
 I am not a feminist.
 I would like to let all those ladies known whom have been illtreated by some man and then risen and shone in life that "if you claim that some man had thrown you down , abused you or atleast tried to suppress you and if you have risen above that  it is surely because some other man had stood by you at your darker times. Just like there is Mother Theresa, Florence Nitengale, Jansi rani there were many ladies you were accused of forcing girls into flesh trade, human trafficking, adultery and deadly crimes. If  goodness and evil exists in females then why not accept the fact that there is goodness and evil in men too? Lets rise above Gender and stone evil and praise goodness. I have  always been  proud to be a Lady ,and I respect men becuase I have a great father , loving brothers, a wounderful husband, true sons and rocking friends. I have been able to stand high and rise above tears only because of the love and confidence they have bestowed on me . 
 So lets rise above gender and call a devil a devil and an Angel an Angel.... LOL.... i just noticed it.... why is the devil always male and an Angel a female ... In one way that statement sounds apt for this article. It did bring in a smile to my face and also to yours even when the topic of the pen is so grave.... stay smiling  but dont forget to think about this .- Sindhu Nandakumar-

When I was a kid , the word Cancer didn't hold much of a meaning in my life. As I grew people started using as a name for some deadly d...